Tuesday, February 28, 2006
I'm drowning in a sea of work......I will be on spring break soon although it seems like it's taking forever to get here. I have a test tomorrow and I haven't even been able to start studying for it yet. I also have a group presentation to do tomorrow not to mention another big group project to complete before Thursday. Oh yeah I have to go to work and all my other classes besides that. I wish I had a pause button like they have on all the video games. Just stop things for a while and figure out what my next move should be. I'm very tired and need to sleep so I can get up and study because from past experience.....studying before you sleep when you can't concentrate doesn't do much good. I will be so happy when I get to see my house and parents on Friday.......it's been almost 3 weeks since I've been home and I miss the fireplace and the fridge full of food and all the other nice things about home. Well time for bed.....Night y'all
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Like Father Like Son
Dad if you're reading this....get better fast. 102 fever doesn't sound that fun. I myself have sort of relapsed into my sickness. I was up all night coughing and wasn't having a fun time sleeping or trying to sleep for that matter. When I did wake up this morning I looked at the clock.....7:30. Oh crud....I'm supposed to start at 6:30. So I got out of bed and felt like I was going to puke. Luckily I didn't but my stomach is still feeling uneasy. I was feeling really good last night and all the normal cold symptoms were gone.....no stuffy nose, no eyes watering....all I had was this ever-present cough. I don't know how many of you can relate but the way I feel right now is the same way I used to feel after the first day of conditioning for high-school basketball. It feels like someone ran you over with a bulldozer and squeezed out every drop of energy from your body and replaced it with a lot of lethargic qualities. So anyways, I called my boss and told him of my situation and he kind of knew from the way I was coughing on Tuesday that I might be pretty sick. I told him I'd try and come in but he said to just take the day off and try to fully recover and come in tomorrow.
So here I sit with a ton of work to do for school and no energy to do it. Oh well, it will get better soon. Hopefully we'll all just get better and not have to deal with anymore sickness. Well I'll keep y'all posted (I hope) on what's happening. Have a great day !
So here I sit with a ton of work to do for school and no energy to do it. Oh well, it will get better soon. Hopefully we'll all just get better and not have to deal with anymore sickness. Well I'll keep y'all posted (I hope) on what's happening. Have a great day !
Monday, February 20, 2006
Down But Not Out
Hello all........I'm sick so don't get too close. I'm tired and stuffed up and have watery eyes but I'm hanging in there. Sickness is only temporary anyways right ? In other news I'm really busy with school and work and everything that goes along with that. Only 2 weeks until Spring Break though. For spring break I will be traveling to the wonderful place we all know and love called...Work. While hard to work on your tan I actually get paid to go there so I can't complain. Well I better do some homework.....I hope all is well.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Ok, here goes....

Here's what I remember from the weekend. Last Friday I rode up with my friend Jeff's brother Dan. We arrived in Rose City around 8:15 after a pretty easy 3 hour drive. We were welcomed by a cabin full of friends. So for the next few hours we sat around and talked, played cards, listened to music and drank some beer. That last activity seemed to be a reoccuring theme throughout the weekend. I can't remember when we started the Polar Bear Club initiations but it was fun to put the rookies through a series of extremely cold tasks. After that was done I just remember hanging out in the cabin for a little bit and then going to bed at 1:30 which is very early but friday was a long day for me.
Saturday I woke up around 8:30 and sat by the fireplace for about an hour and a half before I decided I'd get ready to head on over to East Tawas, the place where we jump. When we all arrived in Tawas we met up with some of the guys who were staying at the hotel instead of the cabin and decided to go register for the jump. After that we decided to walk around town and get some lunch. A few of us went to G's, it's a pretty tasty pizza place and we got a pretty good deal on some pizza I thought. After lunch it was time........JUMP TIME ! We all went and got changed in the hotel and headed out to the lake. Waiting in line to jump is almost as fun as the jump....we get kinda crazy and yell and jump around and some people weren't too thrilled with us since they we're kind of worried about the thickness of the ice this year. Oh well, we like to have a good time. So then we all jumped in 2 by 2 and I will say this year has been slightly warmer then previous years. My friend Shaun and I decided to stay in a little longer than normal this year. Seeing as how we only get to do this once a year we wanted it to last as long as possible. Once I got out some guy pulled me off to the side and started asking me questions and had me talk into his phone....I'm pretty sure I was on some local radio station. When I stopped answering questions I ran into the hotel with everyone and jumped in the pool and hot tub.......it felt soooo warm.
Everyone got changed into some dry clothes and we all headed down to the beer tent.....my favorite part of the weekend. We were there from about 2pm to 6pm. We drank, sang songs as loud as we could and I even met 2 new friends in the process. Their names are Candis and Heather......I'm not sure how but it wasn't too long and Candis and I were talking about the Red Sox and it turns out she's from Waltz ! We talked about the Waltz Inn and coconut shrimp.....so whenever you can cover the Red Sox, Waltz, and coconut shrimp in the first few minutes of meeting me I think you've got my attention. Next up we have Heather. Heather is from Garden City and besides my main man Tiger Woods, Heather has the nicest teeth I think I've ever seen. I'm sure everyone is glad they know this now. Candis used to go to highschool with Heather in Garden City before moving to Waltz....so that's the connection there. I knew nothing about Garden City and according to Heather there isn't much to know. So for the rest of the night Jeff and I talked to our new found friends and had a blast.
So much more happened than I could ever try to write and everyone who went has their own hilarious stories. A good time was had by all and I think we'd all stay for weeks if we could.
It was extremely hard to come back to school on monday and sit through 5 classes after having such a fun weekend. Not to mention today was the busiest day at work since I've been there.
Anyways.....that was my Polar Bear Club experience for 2006. That makes 5 years now. I can't wait to go back. Well I hope everyone has a great week and happy valentine's day to everyone.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
What a Weekend
Well Polar Bear Club was amazing as usual. Met some new friends, drank some brews, and jumped in a lake. There are so many memories from the weekend it's tough to know where to start. I'll have to sort them all out at a later date and expand on the weekend. I'm pretty tired so I'm going to get everything ready for school this week. Hope everyone else has a great week. Bye !
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Today I've been going non-stop since about 5 am. Here's my day in the worst constructed sentence ever.....Woke up at 5, work by 6, out at 1:15, class at 2....out at 3:15, library from 3:30-5:45, church from 6-7:30....homework from 7:30-8.......and I have yet to attend my meeting at 8:45 that will probably get done at about 9:30.....oh yeah I have a test tomorrow too. Needless to say, I'm very busy........Polar Bear Club this weekend though. I can't wait til Friday at 4 pm. Well I better get going so I'm not late for my meeting. Hopefully I can update when I don't have so many places to be.
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