Wednesday, March 11, 2009


"Hello, Mr. Cook? Maintenance emergency - Sorry to bother you but we're trying to extract as much water as possible-due to a city backup we had a flood last night."

Not what I wanted to hear at 5:45 this morning. Oh how I'd like to live on any other floor but the bottom one right now. The squish of wet carpet as you get out of bed is not the most pleasant feeling. Off to work I go.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Arnold Expo 2009

Here are my photos from the 2009 Arnold Expo.
Myself and Tommy Jeffers (Natural Pro)
Kim Lyons (Former trainer from NBC's "Biggest Loser")
Not really sure who this guy is???? (Arnold something?)

Tommy Jeffers again

I had a great time as usual, I grabbed my fair share of free samples, talked to a few of the guys at the various booths, and managed to get a photo of Arnold himself. It was a successful trip. I shall return.