Friday, October 28, 2005

Another Week in the books

Well it's Friday again and I'd like to wish my Uncle Dale a happy birthday. I'd also like to say congrats to the White Sox on winning the world series even though I was rooting against them the entire time.

This week was a busy one....lots of school stuff was going on this week and I'm glad it's done. Before I know it, it will be Christmas vacation. The weeks seem to be going by pretty fast right now. I guess that's what happens when you're busy. My back has been very cooperative lately and I couldn't be happier about that. It's nice to actually feel like I'm 21.

Last night was party night as is every Thursday here at Toledo but I decided to stay in because for some reason I was ready to fall asleep at about 8:30. So I drank one of those unhealthy energy drinks and felt like a million bucks. I then proceeded to watch the Red Wings win......AGAIN. They look pretty solid this year. After the game my friend Chris and I sat in my room and played guitar for about 6 hours. He has never played guitar but he seemed pretty interested in it so I was willing to teach him. He even helped me write a song. He had a bit of trouble playing because he just had surgery on his finger and it was all sore and wrapped up.
That darn energy drink kept me up til about 5 in the morning but that's the way it goes. I slept until noon and felt very lazy. That's normal for Friday's though. I cleaned the apartment a little bit and continued to play guitar for a few hours. Tonight I'm going to see a movie with my friend Crystal and then I'm going to come home and go to bed so I can head home tomorrow morning.

So that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Have a good weekend everyone.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Hey Y'all

Well it could be the drugs (anti-inflammatory) or maybe it was the beer but I woke up this morning without any soreness in my back. It was a great thing. That's the first thing that pops into my brain when I wake up sore will I be today? Today was the first day in a series of many (Lord willing) that I will feel no pain. Positive thinking can't hurt, right ?

Sometimes I wish I had a Friday class just so I could have a sense of obligation to get up and do something. I did wake up at 8:15 this morning which is quite early for a Friday but instead of being productive I sat around and watched one of those "Best Police Chases" shows.....oh yeah and some guys on the discovery channel getting flipped and poked by a very angry bull. Side note while we're on the topic of television....I don't know why but last night I looked at my watch and realized it was 7 O'clock and the only thing I could think was "Wheel of Fortune is on and I have to watch it." I don't think I've watched Wheel of Fortune once since I've been at school but I think I've sat down and watched it with Mom and Dad at least 378 gazillion times.....maybe not that many but you get my drift. I guess if you watch something for so many years and it's on at a constant time it becomes somewhat of an automatic response to think of it. Anyways....the bonus round was Living things and the word was "Begonias" and the guy won and got a Land Rover or something like that and everyone was merry.

Ok back to me being lazy today....I've done nothing except play my guitar, watch tv, and play on my computer. Does it count if I thought about doing my homework? I'm sure I'll do something productive later on since all my friends left the apartment. Most of them are going up north to hunt, even Nick who doesn't even hunt......he does sell knives though so I told him to go out and get a deer like a man and just use his knives. He said he's going to paint his face and be Rambo, maybe sew up his own wound if it comes to that.

What else? I had 2 tests last week and got them back this week. I received 107% on my interpersonal communications test and a 92% on my consumer behavior test. I thought I did better on the consumer behavior one but the teacher is a pretty tough grader. Oh well I'm pretty happy with both tests. I'll take A's whenever I can get them.

What would a blog entry be without a reference to baseball.....or sports in general for that matter. The teams for the world series are all set to rock and roll. Chicago White Sox and the Houston Astros. While I'm usually Pro American League I cannot bring myself to root for Chicago, especially after they swept my Red Sox. So I'll be rooting for Houston (Sorry Mike).

Well I think that shall be all for now, happy friday everybody.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Happy October 17th

Well what can I say for myself.....My first, second, and third choices for teams to win the world series are all eliminated. I carved a pumpkin of a team who didn't make the playoffs and I spent 27 hours with my sister this weekend. Currently I'm on fall break which is nice because I get two days off this week. That means I only have to go to class 2 days this week. I can't complain about that.

I'd like to fast forward to Christmas break as long as there is no snow. I'm also hoping for my back to fully heal by Thanksgiving, I would like to be able to at least walk the turkey trot. I know I won't be able to run but I enjoy going downtown every year.

Hmmm what else? Oh ! My new apartment is nice. It's much smaller than the house was but it gets the job done. We even have a balcony and I can walk to class if I so desire. It's nice to have fully functional internet there too. You'd think I'd be updating my blog left and right but I apologize for such delay. Between school work and 6 hour pumpkin carving sessions the blog somehow took a backseat in the priority wagon. Well that's all I can think of at the moment so Happy October 17th !

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


I have internet in my apartment. Yahoo !

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Hello everyone. It's been 2 weeks.....I'm aware. I've been slightly busy the past few weeks and updating my blog wasn't at the top of my priority list. So what has happened with me lately? I was told I had to leave my house because of an eviction notice (turned out to be a blessing). Yesterday I had acupuncture with 10 needles in my back and 5 in my ear. My back doesn't know how it wants to feel. Somedays it wants to feel fine and other days it wants to hurt. I have a bad feeling it might be an injury that stays around for a long time. The Red Sox made the playoffs and lost their first game against the white sox embarassment. The Tigers fired Alan, sorry buddy. Lindsey Hunter of the Pistons is having surgery today. I turned in my sales portfolio I had to make for one of my classes today. I'm glad that's done.

My parents are leaving for Georgia tomorrow, I would like to go as well but I can't. I'll just stay home and watch baseball and do homework and be merry. I hope it doesn't get cold for at least a little while longer. Cold weather and I don't get along very well. Anyways, I think that's all I have for now. Hopefully it won't be another 2 weeks before I post. Have a nice day everyone.