Monday, November 27, 2006

One Step at a Time

It's back to work today and I wish it wasn't, in fact I think I need a few months off to just sit down and hope my back gets better. I had a weekend of ups and downs with it and this morning is a very low point. I'm back to having seemingly easy tasks become monumental feats.....putting socks on, getting into and out of the shower, getting out of bed. Hopefully something changes quickly....this messes my routine up big time. If I could give myself a cortisone would be a good time for it. Well I'm off to face the day. Enjoy your Monday everyone.

1 comment:

Mrs. Patterson said...

Get the shot, pain stinks. Do you have any idea what triggered it? Just a nap in the recliner? I'm praying that your back will be better ASAP.