Monday, January 29, 2007

Thanks Dad

Today I would like to thank my Father for having me stick the portable battery charger in my closet for a cold, snowy day. That cold, snowy day was today. The usually tougher than nails escort was a little under the weather.....a few inches under the weather in fact (laugh here cause that's funny). So I got the charger out of my closet, hooked it up, and turned the key and it started right up. My landlord was out shoveling the sidewalks and noticed my useful item and said that sure is nice to have. I agreed and headed off to work.

Nothing really exciting happened there except for one of the normally more reserved employees came to pick up some black rubbermaid stepstools I had brought in for him and he put one on his head and gave his best Darth Vader impression.

In 3 days I will be heading up to East Tawas to once again jump in the ever-so-refreshing Lake Huron. This will be my 6th year of jumping in the frozen waters. It does get easier after you do it for the first time but it always takes your breath away. I always like having some rookies jump in because if you've never done it, you really don't know how cold it's going to until saturday afternoon rolls around, you think about it. The worst part to me isn't being in the's the part where you're standing out on the ice waiting to jump in that is the coldest, especially if you're bare-footed. Once you get out though the air feels so warm. Anyways, I always look forward to this weekend. It provides a large amount of entertainment.

This past weekend I was able to catch a bit of Tiger Woods 7th straight PGA tour victory. Some of the shots he pulls off are amazing. Shots no one else would even try. I saw him pick a ball clean right out of a bunker.....with a 5 wood.....which traveled about 240-250 yards. In honor of Tigers 7th straight, I think I'll show one of my all-time favorite shots from him.

Friday, January 26, 2007

It's the weekend

What can I tell you that you would want to know about the happenings of my life? I finished another week of work. The winds off of Lake Erie can be very cold. I ate turkey for lunch everyday this week (you probably didn't want to know that but I don't have much material to work with). The Pistons are on my tv tonight. I have no idea what I'm going to do this weekend. I need to go grocery shopping. I keep hoping I'll have something to say when I blog but I just draw a big blank. I'm sure when the time is right I'll have something to say but for now I think that's all I have. Happy weekend to all !

P.S. I miss Baseball

Friday, January 19, 2007

Friday, Thank You

I like Fridays. It's my favorite day of the week. Yes, I still have to go to work but I like knowing that I don't have to be anywhere the next day. So you ask, well why isn't Saturday your favorite day?....afterall you don't have to do anything or be anywhere then. Valid point. But I think it's the mindset of the night before of knowing you can get up at 6 if you want or sleep in 'til noon.

Anyways, as far as my life goes it's still pretty calm. Nothing that exciting to report. I was hoping I'd have some news for everyone but I don't. Maybe next time.

Well I'm off to work, have a great weekend.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Stuff and Things

Well it's been quite a while since I've posted anything of substance and I'm not sure this will turn out to be that but at least I got to log in. There isn't too much to post about me and the happenings in my life. In the waterpark of life I guess I'd be the lazy river....for the most part it's pretty calm except for maybe a maybe a brief moment where you get a nice cold splash and then everything goes back to normal.

I won't bore you with my routine again but it's the same. My back pain comes and goes as it pleases. I have reason to believe I have more of a sciatic problem these days. The pain runs down my left leg more than it ever has. Somedays I don't feel it, somedays it's a constant pain.

Tonight is the National Championship in college football.....I really don't care who wins. My work environment might be more enjoyable if Ohio State wins but I don't care either way. I'd trade in college football and and the NHL season for another baseball season. Especially if the baseball season was like this past one.

I'm still trying to win the lottery so I can retire at the ripe age of 22 but that plan is still in it's early stages. I doubt that plan will ever reach completion but that's alright. I think there is some life lesson to be learned by getting up and going to work for 35 or 40 years.

I honestly can't think of anything interesting going on with me. I'm here, I'm working, I'm doing just fine. Hopefully I can come up with some better material for next time. Happy Monday/Tuesday everybody!