There was quite a bit going on this past weekend and I'm sure I'll probably forget something but I'll give it my best shot to get everything in.
Friday at 2:30 I got off work and went back to my apartment. On this night I would be heading into Cleveland to watch the Indians take on the Yankees. A no win

situation for a Tiger fan but it's a ballgame. A ballgame that I attended for free thanks to Rachel's Dad who got 6 tickets through his work. Not only did we get free tickets but we also got to attend a little pre-game picnic with food and drinks. It was great. The Indians played pretty poorly the entire evening and the Yanks pulled away. I did get a few photos of A-Rod and Derek Jeter as well as Jacobs Field.
On Saturday I got up and drove back home to Michigan. There were festivities on Sunday that have been in planning for months. More on that later. So I got home and no one was actually at the house so I called Mom and she said she was out running some errands and what not. So I decided to pay my Grandma and Grandpa Gall a visit. When I arrived at their house they already had company but they welcomed one more into the fold anyhow. I sat and talked for a couple hours and even ate a piece of Grandma's apple pie. It was delicious.
After that, I went back home to check how Tiger Woods was fari

ng at the last major of the year. He was doing just fine. At one point he had a 5 shot lead and seemed impossible to beat. He took care of business on Sunday and took home the title. Nice Job Tiger.
A few more years and you'll catch Jack Nicklaus.
On Saturday night I went to Rachel's house to meet their new addition to the family. A foreign exchange student from Germany named Heineken....wait no, Lebkuchen....wait no, Fleming. Yes, Fleming is the right one. He speaks better English than I do German that's for sure. By the time dinner was over I was dead tired and felt like a zombie so I called it an early night and was back home before Mom and Dad were even in bed.
Sunday has finally arrived. This day has been in planning for quite some time and now it's time for all the pieces to fit together. There will be moments where I'll have to back track to Saturday to make sense of all of this but here goes....Sunday Morning...time for early church...wait, 10 more minutes of snoozin'.....ok now time for early church. I had to go to early church because I had to make sure I was in Detroit for the ballgame and pre-game festivities by 11:45. Ok lets backtrack....this entire day was planned around one girl.....her name is Kalee Iacoangeli....I have been friends with Kalee for quite a few years now....for the past year she has been in Syracuse, New York beginning and finishing her graduate courses in broadcast journalism. For the last six weeks she was in Washington D.C. working for a news station based in Missouri I believe. She interviewed congressman and wrote papers and and made/edited videos...not to mention had 24/7 access to capitol hill and all that jazz that goes along with producing a news show and now she was completely finished with her schooling. So Saturday she was flying back to Michigan where her Mom was going to pick her up....enter surprise #1: Her boyfriend Gary. I'm not sure how long they've been together but it's been quite a while now and she had no clue that he was going to be at the airport when she stepped of her plane. What happened after that goes something like this........................
As you can see...she said "Yes". Little does she know that's only the beginning of her surprises.
Back to Sunday morning.....I get done with church and change clothes and head over to my friend Chris's house as I will be riding with him up to the game. We were instructed by Gary (seen above) to be at the Elwood Bar and Grille by 11:45 along with 5 of her other friends who Gary had contacted through many emails. So we arrive and luckily we got there before Kalee and Gary showed up as it was a surprise to Kalee that any of us would be there. We all held up newspapers when she walked in so she couldn't see us and when she got close we all took them down and her face lit up

right away. Gary had to lie through his teeth for about week for all this to work out the way it did but I give him credit because it worked out great. So we had a bite to eat and watched the Tigers crush the A's 11-6 as we got to see Magglio hit 2 homers in one inning and Placido Polanco break the major league record for most games at 2nd base without an error. Nice Job Tigers.
So after the game was over we said our goodbyes to Kalee and Gary and wished them good luck. However, Kalee's Mother was in on the surprises too as she had a party planned for her when she arrived home from the game with family, friends, and food. So I stopped by the party for a bit and talked a while and watched a few of the blooper tapes Kalee and the rest of her crew had compiled over the past year from all the news they produced. It was quite comical.
So with that, my weekend was complete except now I had to drive back to Ohio completely exhausted. Never fear, the old escort delivered yet again a comfortable ride with no surprises. The weekend felt like it lasted about 5 days with everything I accomplished in a short amount of time. It was definitely a weekend to remember.
Wow, that sounds like an amazingly perfect weekend! Glad you had fun!!
Like I've said before, you may not blog as often as some, but when you do it's outstanding. Thanks for sharing all your events, I had fun reading them but now I need a nap.
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