Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Thank You

I would like to thank everyone that helped make my 21st Birthday a special one. With as much stuff that's been going on with starting school and a new job I somehow was able to spend time with some family and friends and have a nice dinner and open presents AND watch the Tiger's game all at the same time.

I would also like to thank my friends who called me and wished me a happy 21st. I unlike many of my close friends did not end up puking on my 21st birthday. Sorry guys, the puking had to stop somewhere.

Yesterday was my 2nd day of training at UPS and we ended up watching some videos on proper lifting methods and what not. Tonight we have to take a safety test in which we have to pass with 100% or we have to keep retaking it. I really hope this job works out and that it won't be too much to handle.....leaving the house at 9:30 every night to go to work isn't much fun knowing you have school work left to do. That's life though and I'm sure I'll develop a nice schedule once I get into things a little more.

Well I'm off to study for my test tonight, thanks again to everyone who made my 21st a memorable one. Bye Bye !

1 comment:

Mrs. Patterson said...

It was nice spending your birthday together. Love Aunt Joyce and Uncle Mark