That was the case today as the Tigers played the Yankees in a doubleheader. Lost the first game and came oh so close to losing the second game as well. 9th inning with two out to be clear but we caught some breaks....Brandon Inge....Walked....Curtis Granderson....Walked.....Craig Monroe.....BOOM, C-YA, OUTTA HERE, GONE, GOODBYE BASEBALL, FORGET ABOUT IT, 3 RUN HOMER !!! Just like that we were up 5-3 and brought in Todd Jones who shut the Yankees down and we stole a win. Hopefully we can get back on track with that great victory.
In other news the wind was a bit stronger tonight on Lake Erie than last night and that is fine with me. I'm waiting for a nice strong storm to roll through so I can watch and listen to the water then.
Only 2 work days left this week before a nice long weekend. I can't wait. I think I'll head on home to Michigan and see what's happening there. Nothing out of the ordinary I bet but there is nothing wrong with that. No news is good new, right ?
I should have picked up a blender during the garage sales last weekend because I decided to break mine tonight. Well actually it was an accident but the top part that's not even really part of the blender broke so I'm sure it won't be too difficult to replace. A plastic part decided it wanted to fall into the blender while it was running and cut itself up into tiny i'm drinking my shake very carefully, i don't think i'm going to finish it though because picking the plastic out of your teeth every time you take a sip is very time consuming.
That's all the news I have for now. Hope everyone has a happy Thursday!
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Crash Into Me
I've just spent about the last 35 minutes sitting out on the rocks next to the shore of Lake Erie. Where there is wind and water there are waves....waves that like to crash into those very rocks where I was sitting. I love the water, it is very relaxing. I wish there was some way to put my bed out by the shore and just listen to the waves all night.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Another Chapter of a Legacy

In a weekend with spurts of total domination, a sloppy looking game (which included 4 straight bogeys), and clawing his way back into contention Tiger Woods won, again. It's amazing to watch and I'm glad I'm in an era that actually gets to "watch" him. We only hear stories of names like Babe Ruth and Ty Cobb.....I think Tiger is going to be one of the athletes who, when the time comes around, my grandchildren will wonder just how good he really was. Hopefully I'll still have the mental capacity to recall many of these amazing victories.
On a side note - while on the topic of dominating the field, I was on the losing end of bowling this weekend. I know what you're thinking....probably lost to some of his friends or something....not the case. I was DEMOLISHED by none other than my parents. Both who have not bowled in years and Dad not even knowing if he could throw a ball. Don't get me wrong, I had a blast......but I'm definitely going to have to chalk those games up to an "off" night. That and the line of my ball resembles a banana that often ends up in the gutter. Well that's all for now, I hope everyone had a great weekend !
Saturday, August 26, 2006
City Wide Garage Sale - Ohio Stlye
Today Huron is having a city wide garage sale. Do I need anything? No. Is it fun to look? Indeed. Last weekend I was in Trenton for the city wide garage sale and must have went to at least 40 or 50 places and spent a grand total of 5 dollars all day. 5 dollars for a day of walking and looking at peoples old treasures.
My parents also came to visit me so they are going to join me in this exciting fun filled day of junk searching. That's all for now. Bye !
My parents also came to visit me so they are going to join me in this exciting fun filled day of junk searching. That's all for now. Bye !
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
22 and Counting
Happy Birthday to me ! Thanks to everyone for their phone calls, cards and birthday wishes. Being in a different state makes it a little more difficult to celebrate a birthday but my family and friends made sure to let me know they didn't forget about me. After seeing Aunt Joyce's blog today I have found one thing I like about growing up....growth spurts....and the fact that I don't look like a roley poley blob like I did in the 6th grade.
Random Fun: I also share my birthday with Kobe Bryant of the Los Angeles Lakers who was born in August 23rd, 1978.
Random Fun: I also share my birthday with Kobe Bryant of the Los Angeles Lakers who was born in August 23rd, 1978.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Hello Again
Happy Birthday to Sam today. 28......Half way to 56. Which only means I turn 22....half way to 44, tomorrow. I wonder what things will be like when I'm 44. Hopefully the Tigers will have won a bunch of world series in between now and then.
My Birthday falls on a Wednesday this year and it just so happens that ESPN is having the Tigers on Wednesday night baseball this week so someone must have told ESPN that my birthday was coming up so they scheduled the Tigers to come on my TV in Ohio on my birthday, how exciting !
Since the last time I've posted I've made a trip to Boston. It was a great trip with lots to do and perfect weather. I had a beer at the orignal cheers bar, ate at a Ruth's Chris steakhouse, bought a lot of Red Sox stuff, walked on the freedom trail, ate a lobster, and had a dog and a beer in Fenway Park. So I can cross that last one off my life to do list. The Tiger's were victorious in the game we went to and that didn't make Boston too happy, I can't imagine what they are feeling like after getting swept by the Yankees in a five game series.
What else......Work is pretty normal.....I learn something new everyday. I just hope I remember everything I'm learning. I don't think I'm a very fast learner but at least I'm some type of learner so eventually I'll get the hang of everything.
Also this past Sunday one of my favorite sports figures, Tiger Woods, once again proved to everyone that he can play golf. Here is a recent article I read on Woods which I thought had some funny comments in it as well as proving why he's the best. It's kind of long but I enjoyed it................
You should probably sit down for this one. That's because I'm about to offend anybody and everybody who thinks golfers rank below rhythmic gymnasts, bowlers and tractor-pull drivers on the sports food chain.
Tiger Woods is the greatest individual athlete of our time. OK, of all time.
There, I said it and it feels right, especially after Woods just left Medinah Country Club with what seems like his millionth major championship. Once again, he left divot marks on the rest of the field and bruise marks on the record books.
Nobody kisses more silver than this guy. On Sunday, Woods was busy romancing the Wanamaker Trophy, which is what you get after winning the PGA Championship. It was his third makeout session with the trophy, having won the thing in 1999, 2000 and now 2006. If it happens again, they'll have to get a hotel room.
But this isn't about golf anymore. Woods doesn't have anybody within a par-5 of him on tour. I thought Phil Mickelson was good enough to challenge Woods, but he isn't. Not now. Maybe not ever.
Woods has escaped golf's gravitational pull and moved into a planetary system that includes your one-namers (Pele, Babe, Jack), your initialers (MJ), your nicknamers (The Great One, The Greatest), your oldies (Jim Thorpe, Willie Mays, Joe Louis), your Olympians (Mark Spitz, Carl Lewis), your netters (Martina Navratilova, Pete Sampras), your others (Lance Armstrong). I know I'm forgetting someone, but it doesn't matter. Woods is better.
There comes a time when golf greatness morphs into something beyond recognition, something so singular that you have difficulty explaining it. It defies comparison, context and reason.
Can you explain Woods? I can't. I'm not even sure Woods fully understands the ripple effect of his achievements. All I know is that there has never been anyone like him. You tell your children about him, and maybe, if they stick around long enough, they tell theirs.
This was Woods' 12th majors victory. He moved past Walter Hagen, who was no slouch, and to within six car lengths of Jack Nicklaus and the Golden Bear-mobile. Woods could pass Nicklaus and those 18 championships within two years. Crazy? You tell him.
"When you first come out on Tour you just hope to win one," said Woods.
Hope isn't part of the equation these days. Woods doesn't need it. Maybe when he turned pro in 1996, but not now.
Nicklaus is the lone remaining mortal challenge left for Woods -- and Nicklaus doesn't even play on tour anymore. At age 30, Woods is already chasing and catching legends. Hagen on Sunday ... Nicklaus in 2008, 2009, or 2010. His career is now about numbers and legacies.
The truth is he has neutered, for lack of a better word, his peers. They aren't the challenge; history is. Woods has won four of the last eight majors. He owns the lowest 72-hole scores in relation to par in the Masters, the U.S. Open, the British Open, and is tied for the PGA record. He's missed the cut exactly four times in his career. Jeez, how many times can you rub your eyes in disbelief.
"I mean, we all smirk and laugh when he says he's got his 'B' game, but that's better than most of our 'A' games," said Shaun Micheel, who won the 2003 PGA. "He's just that good."
Micheel finished second Sunday. He shot 13-under for the tournament, which would have won the last four PGAs. Woods still beat him by five strokes.
Woods entered Sunday's round with one of those streaks that doesn't seem possible: 11-0 when he begins the final round of a major with at least a share of the lead. But he was never truly challenged by anyone on the leaderboard and the streak now stands at 12-0.
"It will happen eventually," said Sergio Garcia of a possible Woods Sunday falter. "It's going to happen. I mean, he's not going to be 68 years old and in the final round of a major and tied for the lead and he wins."
Are you sure? If Mick Jagger can still play gigs with the Stones when he's in his 60s, why can't Tiger still be sinking putts in majors when he's pushing 70? After all, he's in better shape.
Early Sunday evening, with the Wanamaker Trophy within easy hugging distance, Woods talked about his friendship with Michael Jordan. They recently played golf in Orlando and afterward, Jordan knocked down shots in the club's indoor basketball court.
"MJ's still MJ," said Woods.
But Jordan is no Woods. Nobody is.
Jordan is arguably the greatest basketball player of all time. Arguably. With Woods, there is no debate. Only injury stands between Woods and any record worth owning.
Woods is an athlete, not just a mope with a golf swing. You can build a condo development across his shoulders. His waist looks like a size 4.
His intensity and focus would translate into any sport. He doesn't trash talk like Jordan did, but he doesn't have to. The way the ball comes off his club face simply sounds different.
What great athletic trait doesn't he possess? Take your time. I can wait.
Woods performs better when the world is lined up six-deep around the fairway. Pressure? He eats it with a glass of Chianti and some fava beans.
You take Jordan or Gretzky, Ali or Babe Ruth, the Say Hey Kid or Martina. I'll take Woods. I'll take him because of what he's done and what he's yet to do.
Scary, isn't it? He isn't finished winning. Not even close.
- Gene Wojciechowski
My Birthday falls on a Wednesday this year and it just so happens that ESPN is having the Tigers on Wednesday night baseball this week so someone must have told ESPN that my birthday was coming up so they scheduled the Tigers to come on my TV in Ohio on my birthday, how exciting !
Since the last time I've posted I've made a trip to Boston. It was a great trip with lots to do and perfect weather. I had a beer at the orignal cheers bar, ate at a Ruth's Chris steakhouse, bought a lot of Red Sox stuff, walked on the freedom trail, ate a lobster, and had a dog and a beer in Fenway Park. So I can cross that last one off my life to do list. The Tiger's were victorious in the game we went to and that didn't make Boston too happy, I can't imagine what they are feeling like after getting swept by the Yankees in a five game series.
What else......Work is pretty normal.....I learn something new everyday. I just hope I remember everything I'm learning. I don't think I'm a very fast learner but at least I'm some type of learner so eventually I'll get the hang of everything.
Also this past Sunday one of my favorite sports figures, Tiger Woods, once again proved to everyone that he can play golf. Here is a recent article I read on Woods which I thought had some funny comments in it as well as proving why he's the best. It's kind of long but I enjoyed it................
You should probably sit down for this one. That's because I'm about to offend anybody and everybody who thinks golfers rank below rhythmic gymnasts, bowlers and tractor-pull drivers on the sports food chain.
Tiger Woods is the greatest individual athlete of our time. OK, of all time.
There, I said it and it feels right, especially after Woods just left Medinah Country Club with what seems like his millionth major championship. Once again, he left divot marks on the rest of the field and bruise marks on the record books.
Nobody kisses more silver than this guy. On Sunday, Woods was busy romancing the Wanamaker Trophy, which is what you get after winning the PGA Championship. It was his third makeout session with the trophy, having won the thing in 1999, 2000 and now 2006. If it happens again, they'll have to get a hotel room.
But this isn't about golf anymore. Woods doesn't have anybody within a par-5 of him on tour. I thought Phil Mickelson was good enough to challenge Woods, but he isn't. Not now. Maybe not ever.
Woods has escaped golf's gravitational pull and moved into a planetary system that includes your one-namers (Pele, Babe, Jack), your initialers (MJ), your nicknamers (The Great One, The Greatest), your oldies (Jim Thorpe, Willie Mays, Joe Louis), your Olympians (Mark Spitz, Carl Lewis), your netters (Martina Navratilova, Pete Sampras), your others (Lance Armstrong). I know I'm forgetting someone, but it doesn't matter. Woods is better.
There comes a time when golf greatness morphs into something beyond recognition, something so singular that you have difficulty explaining it. It defies comparison, context and reason.
Can you explain Woods? I can't. I'm not even sure Woods fully understands the ripple effect of his achievements. All I know is that there has never been anyone like him. You tell your children about him, and maybe, if they stick around long enough, they tell theirs.
This was Woods' 12th majors victory. He moved past Walter Hagen, who was no slouch, and to within six car lengths of Jack Nicklaus and the Golden Bear-mobile. Woods could pass Nicklaus and those 18 championships within two years. Crazy? You tell him.
"When you first come out on Tour you just hope to win one," said Woods.
Hope isn't part of the equation these days. Woods doesn't need it. Maybe when he turned pro in 1996, but not now.
Nicklaus is the lone remaining mortal challenge left for Woods -- and Nicklaus doesn't even play on tour anymore. At age 30, Woods is already chasing and catching legends. Hagen on Sunday ... Nicklaus in 2008, 2009, or 2010. His career is now about numbers and legacies.
The truth is he has neutered, for lack of a better word, his peers. They aren't the challenge; history is. Woods has won four of the last eight majors. He owns the lowest 72-hole scores in relation to par in the Masters, the U.S. Open, the British Open, and is tied for the PGA record. He's missed the cut exactly four times in his career. Jeez, how many times can you rub your eyes in disbelief.
"I mean, we all smirk and laugh when he says he's got his 'B' game, but that's better than most of our 'A' games," said Shaun Micheel, who won the 2003 PGA. "He's just that good."
Micheel finished second Sunday. He shot 13-under for the tournament, which would have won the last four PGAs. Woods still beat him by five strokes.
Woods entered Sunday's round with one of those streaks that doesn't seem possible: 11-0 when he begins the final round of a major with at least a share of the lead. But he was never truly challenged by anyone on the leaderboard and the streak now stands at 12-0.
"It will happen eventually," said Sergio Garcia of a possible Woods Sunday falter. "It's going to happen. I mean, he's not going to be 68 years old and in the final round of a major and tied for the lead and he wins."
Are you sure? If Mick Jagger can still play gigs with the Stones when he's in his 60s, why can't Tiger still be sinking putts in majors when he's pushing 70? After all, he's in better shape.
Early Sunday evening, with the Wanamaker Trophy within easy hugging distance, Woods talked about his friendship with Michael Jordan. They recently played golf in Orlando and afterward, Jordan knocked down shots in the club's indoor basketball court.
"MJ's still MJ," said Woods.
But Jordan is no Woods. Nobody is.
Jordan is arguably the greatest basketball player of all time. Arguably. With Woods, there is no debate. Only injury stands between Woods and any record worth owning.
Woods is an athlete, not just a mope with a golf swing. You can build a condo development across his shoulders. His waist looks like a size 4.
His intensity and focus would translate into any sport. He doesn't trash talk like Jordan did, but he doesn't have to. The way the ball comes off his club face simply sounds different.
What great athletic trait doesn't he possess? Take your time. I can wait.
Woods performs better when the world is lined up six-deep around the fairway. Pressure? He eats it with a glass of Chianti and some fava beans.
You take Jordan or Gretzky, Ali or Babe Ruth, the Say Hey Kid or Martina. I'll take Woods. I'll take him because of what he's done and what he's yet to do.
Scary, isn't it? He isn't finished winning. Not even close.
- Gene Wojciechowski
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Quick Post
Quick post this morning.......I'm all packed up and ready to head home after work. On Friday I'm leaving for Boston and I am excited. All I have to do is get through work today and then make the drive home. I'm actually racing my friend Kalee home except she's coming back from Syracuse, New York and leaving a lot earlier than I am. So whoever crosses the state line first wins.
As for who I'll be rooting for in's tough. I will definitely be rooting for both teams but Boston is in desperate need of wins right now whereas the Tiger's have somewhat of a cushion in the division. If it came down to it in the playoffs and Detroit had to play Boston I would side with the Tigers. But since it's the regular season still I think I'll just sit back and enjoy this one.
Well that's all for now.....Have a great last part of the week and an even better weekend !
As for who I'll be rooting for in's tough. I will definitely be rooting for both teams but Boston is in desperate need of wins right now whereas the Tiger's have somewhat of a cushion in the division. If it came down to it in the playoffs and Detroit had to play Boston I would side with the Tigers. But since it's the regular season still I think I'll just sit back and enjoy this one.
Well that's all for now.....Have a great last part of the week and an even better weekend !
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
The Tiger's Pledge
I pledge allegiance to the Tiger's of the United Park of Comerica and to the league for which it stands, one ballclub under Leyland, unbeatable, with pitching and hitting for all.
(Yeah, I made it up......too much time on my hands? I think so)
(Yeah, I made it up......too much time on my hands? I think so)
Monday, August 07, 2006
Over The Hill ?
40. That dreaded age where you somehow cross over from "younger" to "older". I bring this number up because of the Tigers record after tonights win. 76-36. 40 games over .500. Does this mean the Tiger's have crossed over from years of poor play to a new beginning of constant winning? Only time will tell and so far this season has been one thrill after another. I spent most of my weekend in my friends basement watching the Tigers somehow find a way to plug away at the Indians and come out winners in all 3 games. Craig Monroe one night....Pudge the next (in extremely dramatic fashion)....a 1-0 pitchers duel on Sunday afternoon when we didn't even have our normal starter on the mound and tonight a 9-3 win over Francisco Liriano and the Twins.
This season has sparked a new interest in Tiger's baseball for many and it's great to see everyone so into it. The post season is right around the corner and the excitement will only continue to grow and grow. By now you can ask most people the question "Who's your Tiger?" and they will most likely have an answer for you right away as opposed to a few years ago when those same people might have only been able to name one or two players on the team. I like Brandon Inge myself. He seems to be pretty smooth over at 3rd base this year and I also heard he's a pretty good golfer.
Well that's all for now. It's bedtime for me. Who's your Tiger ?
This season has sparked a new interest in Tiger's baseball for many and it's great to see everyone so into it. The post season is right around the corner and the excitement will only continue to grow and grow. By now you can ask most people the question "Who's your Tiger?" and they will most likely have an answer for you right away as opposed to a few years ago when those same people might have only been able to name one or two players on the team. I like Brandon Inge myself. He seems to be pretty smooth over at 3rd base this year and I also heard he's a pretty good golfer.
Well that's all for now. It's bedtime for me. Who's your Tiger ?
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Odds and Ends
First off.....Kudos to you Mr. Carlos Guillen on being the first Tiger to hit for the cycle since 2001 and also the first Tiger to hit for the cycle on the road since George Kell did it back in the 50's.
Since I am now living in Huron, Ohio I do not get every Tiger's game. This is upsetting. I only get them when they play on the WB or some nationally broadcast station or when they play the Indians. Of course, when they make the playoffs they will be on Fox, so no worries. (This also means I will have limited access to Pistons games when b-ball season rolls around.)
Lately like most places in the midwest it has been incredibly hot. I do not have the luxury of working in the air conditioning during the day but I do have a fan about a foot away from my head for almost the entire day. I also have been drinking a lot of water because A.) It's cold B.)It's good for you and C.) It's free. So all in all it's not that bad. I get to come home to a nice air conditioned apartment so at least I have something to look forward to after work.
This past monday night I found out I had another talent that will do me absolutely no good. I was at the Medina county fair and they were putting on these lumberjack shows and people were guessing how long it would take a man to chop through this piece of wood with his hatchet and then again with a saw. Well for the hatchet I guessed 17 seconds. So the man starts chopping away......1....2.....3..........10...........15....17 seconds! Woohoo ! I was right. Ok, so I'm thinking lucky guess. But then they had him try and saw through a log with a long saw. So I guessed 29 seconds right away.....but then before he started he started making cuts in the piece of wood. He cut a nice groove in it so it would be much easier to start sawing after they started the watch. So then I turned to my friend Laura who was with me and said 20 seconds.....and he kept cutting without the time starting so after he was done "prepping" this log I settled on 14 seconds. So he starts sawing......1......2......3.....5......10....14 seconds! Right again. I impress myself sometimes. With no prior log cutting experience other than watching Dad's log splitter cut up pieces of wood and that one time I used a hatchet to chop and miss a tree by our old driveway (still have the scar on my leg) I was able to guess both these times to the second. If I would have voiced that I had guessed those times I would have won a "chip" off the old block (chunk of wood) and a "lumberjack cookie" (round piece of wood). So if you need to know how long it will take someone to chop or saw through a piece of wood I guess I can make a pretty accurate guess. Sounds like a useless talent to me. (I'll throw this one in there with being able to curl my tongue in 3 loops and making a bird noise.)
In other news, it is only 8 days until I leave for Boston. I can't wait. It is going to be an amazing trip. I know there is a lot of stuff to do in Boston but I could just sit in Fenway Park for a few days and be satisfied with my trip. I can't wait to have a dog and a beer and enjoy a game in which my two favorite teams are playing.
Well that's all for now. I hope everyone is having a great week! Bye !
Since I am now living in Huron, Ohio I do not get every Tiger's game. This is upsetting. I only get them when they play on the WB or some nationally broadcast station or when they play the Indians. Of course, when they make the playoffs they will be on Fox, so no worries. (This also means I will have limited access to Pistons games when b-ball season rolls around.)
Lately like most places in the midwest it has been incredibly hot. I do not have the luxury of working in the air conditioning during the day but I do have a fan about a foot away from my head for almost the entire day. I also have been drinking a lot of water because A.) It's cold B.)It's good for you and C.) It's free. So all in all it's not that bad. I get to come home to a nice air conditioned apartment so at least I have something to look forward to after work.
This past monday night I found out I had another talent that will do me absolutely no good. I was at the Medina county fair and they were putting on these lumberjack shows and people were guessing how long it would take a man to chop through this piece of wood with his hatchet and then again with a saw. Well for the hatchet I guessed 17 seconds. So the man starts chopping away......1....2.....3..........10...........15....17 seconds! Woohoo ! I was right. Ok, so I'm thinking lucky guess. But then they had him try and saw through a log with a long saw. So I guessed 29 seconds right away.....but then before he started he started making cuts in the piece of wood. He cut a nice groove in it so it would be much easier to start sawing after they started the watch. So then I turned to my friend Laura who was with me and said 20 seconds.....and he kept cutting without the time starting so after he was done "prepping" this log I settled on 14 seconds. So he starts sawing......1......2......3.....5......10....14 seconds! Right again. I impress myself sometimes. With no prior log cutting experience other than watching Dad's log splitter cut up pieces of wood and that one time I used a hatchet to chop and miss a tree by our old driveway (still have the scar on my leg) I was able to guess both these times to the second. If I would have voiced that I had guessed those times I would have won a "chip" off the old block (chunk of wood) and a "lumberjack cookie" (round piece of wood). So if you need to know how long it will take someone to chop or saw through a piece of wood I guess I can make a pretty accurate guess. Sounds like a useless talent to me. (I'll throw this one in there with being able to curl my tongue in 3 loops and making a bird noise.)
In other news, it is only 8 days until I leave for Boston. I can't wait. It is going to be an amazing trip. I know there is a lot of stuff to do in Boston but I could just sit in Fenway Park for a few days and be satisfied with my trip. I can't wait to have a dog and a beer and enjoy a game in which my two favorite teams are playing.
Well that's all for now. I hope everyone is having a great week! Bye !
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