Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Sometimes I wish I could pause things for a few hours at a time.....maybe just to fit a nice nap in or something. I have been extremely busy lately with too many things to name. I'm trying to learn my job at UPS to the best of my ability and keep up with schoolwork and so far I'm doing fine but my body hurts all over and I went to bed at 7am this morning only to wake up again at 8:30 am for class......not the lifestyle I would choose. I have another class at 2 so I can't talk very long but I thought I'd try and get a post in while I have a chance. I received a 24/25 on my first quiz of the year in one of my sales classes.......I had to leave some room for improvement, thus the 24. In my class at 2 we're have a guest speaker and the prof is making us wear professional dress so I have to go home and throw my suit on for one class only to go straight home and take it off. Well before I give you anymore scattered thoughts that don't really mean anything I think I'll just end the post right here. Have a nice day everyone and hopefully I can post when I'm not pressed for time. BYE


Mrs. Patterson said...

I for one, knowing your schedule, am pleasantly surprised to see this post. Are you saying you got one hour of sleep in the last 24? I hope not.

Cookster said...

90 minutes of sleep in 24 hours......I've found that with the right balance of bread, lunchmeat, and mountain dew you can get through quite a bit.