Monday, September 19, 2005

On the run

Hello all. I can't blog for too long right now but I just wanted to renew my blogging license so here I go. I went to Cleveland with my friend Crystal to see the Indians play on Saturday. It was awesome. We even got on the big screen at Jacob's field! The tribe pulled out a 5-4 win over the royals.
My back is doing okay for the moment, I can walk without pain and that's good, yet when I sit in certain positions it still kills me. Some laying positions hurt and I can't sit on a flat floor. It's odd.
To say I'm busy with school work would be an understatement. I need my own personal secretary/assistant to keep track of assignments, deadlines, meetings, presentations, this, that, everything. Overwhelmed is a good way to put it. Well that's all I can give you for now....I have to type up a paper that's due for my 5:30 class. Such is the life a senior sales student.

P.S. We're supposed to get internet and cable at the house today. That will make life easier and harder all in one. With baseball playoffs coming up it will be very hard to get things done. Although the thought of doing homework while watcing basbeball playoffs with some beer sounds pretty nice. Alright well I hope everyone else is less busy than I am. BYE !

1 comment:

Mrs. Patterson said...

I'm less busy then you, I hope. But I could use a personal secretary as well. BYE