Sunday, December 02, 2007
The Lions and I Are Bums
Now I will tell you why I am a bum. Last night I came across a website that allows you to play some old Nintendo games. In my younger days I sat and played Nintendo games for hours and hours. Mom even marked on the calendar the first time I saved the princess in the first Mario...back in 1989. Well I played around on a few, The Simpsons....Metroid....Contra.....and then I found the game that I would go on to play for about 3 or 4 hours straight - Mike Tyson's Punch Out. I had that game growing up and I don't think I ever beat it - for those of you wondering...I still haven't. So I have found a great time waster for myself. It allows me to get absolutely nothing done that can be considered productive and that is why I am a bum. At least I don't need expensive gaming systems to keep me entertained :) That's all for now. I hope everyone had a great weekend!
Friday, November 30, 2007
Happy Friday
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Monday, November 05, 2007
I'll Be Missing You
1. He helped me learn how to read.
2. He watched me play a million little league baseball games.
3. He was always glad to take me to and from anywhere I wanted to go before I could drive.
4. He'd ride his lawn mower out into the field and pick up all the golf balls I'd hit out there and bring them back in just so I could hit them back out there again.
5. He untangled my fishing lines when I put knots in them.
6. He'd always offer up his own vehicle so I wouldn't have to drive my own.
7. He taught me how to $AVE.
8. He said when you make your bed- a quarter should be able to bounce off of it - at least that's how it was in the army.
9. I see myself in him.
10. He always let me test the french fries from the fryer to see if they were done.
11. He took me to see Forrest Gump in the theater.
12. He took me on pontoon rides.
13. He cleaned my fish for me.
14. He'd watch me hit golf balls at the driving range.
15. He'd buy me another bucket after the first bucket of golf balls left me frustrated.
16. He was proud of me.
17. Most kids get a part-time job for extra funds, I would visit the Fred ATM.
18. He always liked his jersey gloves he got for Christmas even though I think I gave those to him for about 10 years straight.
19. He'd always ask how my car was running.
20. He loved his family.
21. He enjoyed when I practiced my saxophone at his house (even when it didn't sound that great.)
22. He was a good vacuumer.
23. He was a wonderful listener.
24. He practiced the "slow and steady" method when cutting grass.
25. He raised my Mother and did a wonderful job.
26. He enjoyed a cold beer.
27. He played croquet with me.
28. He spun me around on the tree swing at the cottage.
29. He was a Christian.
30. He said stuff like "What's the good word?" and "How do there gov'ner?"
31. He loved to sit and watch traffic.
32. He told me how every plane he fixed in the service were all shot down.
33. He made me laugh.
34. I watched the Tigers finish off the Yankees in the playoffs with him last year.
35. He was nice to every single one of my friends.
36. He was married to my Grandma for 61 years.
37. He was as soft spoken as they come.
38. He grilled good steaks.
39. He batted crosshanded.
40. He'd wave to me as I'd run past his house when I'd train for the turkey Trot.
41. He loved to watch the World News with Tom Brokaw
42. He'd always make sure an extra $20 found it's way into my pocket whether I needed it or not.
43. He took me to Unadilla to buy candy.
44. He bought his first car with 600 one dollar bills.
45. He was always early for everything.
46. He bought beer in cases of 30 like my friends do.
47. He loved to plant stuff.
48. He thought about everyone.
49. He went to a church on a horse and buggy and a church with a big screen that comes down from the ceiling. My how times change.
50. He'd always wake up from his nap and visit when I stopped in.
51. He always cared about how things were going for me.
52. He'd always tell me I'm getting skinny.
53. He'd always ask if I was going to keep my beard when I forgot to shave.....I'd say "No Grandpa, I'm just lazy."
54. He liked to sing/hum in church.
55. He wore suspenders.
56. He rode an exercise bike that I think has been around since the Dinosaurs.
57. He didn't get mad when a foul ball hit his car at one of my baseball games.
58. He'd always take naps with his mouth open.
59. Ladies of all ages always thought he was cute.
60. Some of them even kissed him on the head on a regular basis.
61. He spent one New Years Eve with me and we watched a special with Guy Lombardo.
62. He liked Big Band Music.
63. He liked to talk about the weather.
64. He took me golfing at Wesburn Golf Course and golfed with me.
65. He was extremely encouraging.
66. He was a wonderful example of being even-keeled.
67. He'd always ask for help on figuring out the clock in the car when it got messed up.
68. He gave me a glimpse of what I will be like when I'm older.
69. He fell on the ice when he was pushing me on the sled.
70. He loved fried do I, they are delicious.
71. He was great about keeping his cars serviced.
72. He was great about keeping my car serviced.
73. He talked about "Getting up to milk the cows."
74. He never yelled at me.
75. He loved to snack-popcorn, peanut brittle, beef jerky-you name it.
76. He had a big heart.
77. He took me bowling when Galen would visit from Florida.
78. He liked to joke around with my girlfriends.
79. He took me to the hospital when Galen hit my ankle with a croquet ball.
80. He'd pay me to cut bushes around his house even though I'd be glad to do it for nothin'.
81. He made me feel safe.
82. He'd always say "It's my turn already!" when we'd open Christmas presents in order of age.
83. He was supportive beyond measure.
84. He loved to have his head scratched.
85. He hated how much athletes are paid nowadays. He'd always tell me the games were fixed.
86. He wore the same watch since I can remember.
87. He was a great grandfather, husband, dad, friend, and disciple. We are all blessed to have known him and even more blessed to know that we will see him again.
If you could read this Gramps, know that I'm missing you. I'll see you again someday and we can catch up on things. Thanks for always being there for me. For such a little guy you sure had a big impact on everyone around you.
Rest In Peace Grandpa - March 11, 1920 - November 4, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Blog Buffet
As I've stated in the past, I'd rather have a broken arm than have a sore throat. I mean my back can give me all the problems in the world and I'll tell you I'm ok but when I have a sore throat I am a big baby. I HATE sore throats. This past episode was one of the worst sore throats I've ever had (I was sure to let my sister and Rachel know about it...repeatedly). I took off from work early on Monday and Tuesday and all day on Wednesday. Thanks to Amanda I saw a doctor on Tuesday afternoon, I could hardly talk so she made the correct phone calls that needed to be made. I sat around with a cup never more than a foot away from me because I could not swallow anything....anything (this mean my own spit). Try not swallowing for a day. It's not that fun. So I went in and saw the Doc and he said my throat looked pretty raw so he gave me a prescription for some antibiotics and after a day of those I was feeling much better. Hallelujah ! No more complaining out of me......
All the while baseball season pressed on. The Red Sox battled their way past the Cleveland Indians and never looked back. The sweep of the Colorado Rockies in the world series lacked drama but I still enjoyed watching it. The 2004 Boston team was more exciting and had more characters but the 2007 Boston team was defintiely better from a talent standpoint. Either way, they swept the other team both times and battled back from a big deficit in the round before. Congrats Boston, may the beer flow onto Yawkey Way in celebration.
On the other side of the sports world the NBA kicks off tonight, the Pistons don't play until Thursday I believe. I think the Pistons are due for another championship this year. Time will tell........Time will also tell if the Detroit Lions are for real. At 5-2 they look like a solid football team who can actually have a shot at making the playoffs, you can't blame me for thinking that they still have time to blow it though, they've proven themselves worthy at that time and time again but as for now, I'll keep rooting for them and hope things work out for them.
This past weekend I went back home to Michigan and visited Grandpa Fred in the nursing home. I spent about 2 hours with him in his room and down in the cafeteria and had a beer with him. He doesn't like to eat much anymore and doesn't really enjoy being told that he needs to eat......but he sure likes the taste of beer. After visiting, Grandma and I went out to eat to Applebee's and had a nice dinner and then went back to her house and we visited a little bit and talked about how things are different with Grandpa now.
On Sunday I finished doing my laundry, watched the Lions and waited for Mom and Dads return from Georgia. I visited a bit and then had to head back on home to Ohio. This week has been pretty normal, I like normal. If anything exciting happens, I'll let y'all know. That's all for now. Enjoy the rest of your week !
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Octoberish Jibberish
Mom and Dad are in Georgia for a few weeks (hopefully relaxing). I bet it's perfect weather down there right now. The weather swing we had here in Ohio this past week was a bit odd. Monday and Tuesday I read both 88 and 90 degrees on a sign and Thursday and Friday I read 48 and 51 degrees. So I guess fall decided to show up this week. Get the wood ready for the fireplace.
A couple weeks ago I attempted to carve an old picture of myself into a pumpkin. It was a good attempt but it didn't turn out that great. I've had much better work in the past but I wanted to try it out. Too much detail for me....especially since I was working with knives and toothpicks as my tools of choice.
Well that's all for now, if anything exciting happens I'll let y'all know. Bye !
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
In the rollercoaster of life.....I think I'm the long line you wait in before you get on. Sure, it moves-slow and steady-but rarely am I turned upside down.
Routine but enjoyable.
Hopefully by the next post I will have something worth blogging about. (Like how the Tigers had 15 game winning streak to end the season and knock the Yankees out of the playoffs.) I can dream, right?
I hope all is well with everyone else. Bye for now !
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Deere Crossing
I traveled quite a few miles this past weekend as I went to Indiana with mom and dad to pick up Dad's new toy. A John Deere 318. This is Dad testing it out. Enjoy.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Weekend To Remember
After that, I went back home to check how Tiger Woods was fari

As you can see...she said "Yes". Little does she know that's only the beginning of her surprises.
Back to Sunday morning.....I get done with church and change clothes and head over to my friend Chris's house as I will be riding with him up to the game. We were instructed by Gary (seen above) to be at the Elwood Bar and Grille by 11:45 along with 5 of her other friends who Gary had contacted through many emails. So we arrive and luckily we got there before Kalee and Gary showed up as it was a surprise to Kalee that any of us would be there. We all held up newspapers when she walked in so she couldn't see us and when she got close we all took them down and her face lit up
So after the game was over we said our goodbyes to Kalee and Gary and wished them good luck. However, Kalee's Mother was in on the surprises too as she had a party planned for her when she arrived home from the game with family, friends, and food. So I stopped by the party for a bit and talked a while and watched a few of the blooper tapes Kalee and the rest of her crew had compiled over the past year from all the news they produced. It was quite comical.
So with that, my weekend was complete except now I had to drive back to Ohio completely exhausted. Never fear, the old escort delivered yet again a comfortable ride with no surprises. The weekend felt like it lasted about 5 days with everything I accomplished in a short amount of time. It was definitely a weekend to remember.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
When I think about baseball records and which one means the most to me there are 2 that always come to mind. First, Cal Ripken Jr.'s streak of games played in a row. He broke Lou Gherig's record when he played in his 2,131 consecutive game and eventually went on to play in 2,632 straight games. For all you math whizzes that's over 16 seasons without a single "My leg hurts so I'll sit today, or so and so is pitching and I don't want to face him, or I think I'll rest up and come back strong for next game." None of that. Just a nose to the grindstone attitude and a willingness to show up and do his job everyday.
The second record I like is Joe Dimaggio's 56 game hitting streak. To get a hit in 56 straight games is incredible and extremely difficult to pull off. If a guy today gets over 25 it's impressive. I do believe this record is attainable, all you have to do is make sure that for 34% of the season you don't have an off game. Simple enough right ? Riiiiiight.
Now that the home run chase is over with baseball can concentrate on the playoff races that are heating up. ALL BEWARE: The Yankees Are Coming. I know I know, I don't like it either but since the all star break they have been the best team in baseball. You can't keep a 200 million dollar payroll down for an entire season. So for all Detroit, Boston, and Cleveland out...things are going to get interesting.
Well that's enough baseball talk for one blog. Have a good rest of the week.
Monday, August 06, 2007
Happy Birthday Mom!
It's way too late to start a blog of any substance so I'll just leave you with a few random thoughts/comments/general facts.
- I have come to find out I have a reoccuring dream(I'm in water with different creatures chasing me trying to eat me, no worries these dreams I can swim extremely fast...well just faster than said creatures. They haven't caught me yet)
- There are certain things in this world I don't like...some examples are....the yankees, snow, and mealy apples.
- There are certain things in this world I enjoy...examples....turkey sandwiches, large expanses of water, and music.
- I will be 23 on the 23rd this year.
- I wish Barry Bonds would break the home run record already so this can all be over with.
- No matter how many times he does it, I love watching Tiger Woods obliterate his competition.
- I don't like blue cheese on anything.
- My parents have cultivated a desire in me to visit garage sales. This does not exclude barn sales, estate sales, yard sales, flea markets, and/or any other faction of sale you can think of.
- I can't play the piano or guitar as well as I'd like to....(because I don't practice enough)
- Bob Seger's greatest hits cd is one of the best cd's I've ever listened to.
- Plinko was, is, and always will be my favorite Price Is Right game.
- I sleep with a fan directly next to my head every night.
- I have died of cholera, drowning, and typhoid fever many times while playing The Oregon Trail computer game.
- I love the taste of beer but can't stand how it effects the body.
- I am going to bed right now !
Friday, July 13, 2007
Back Again
This week at work was a bit busy. I have a new boss as of this past Monday as my last boss took another position. New boss doesn't quite have the hang of things yet and understandably so but it just makes life for the other employees a little tougher. The fact that I came back from vacation this week did NOT help matters at all but hey, it's Friday now and the weekend is here. Cheers for having the next two days off. The good part about being back in Ohio and back to work is that I'm back in my normal routine. I like that. The YMCA missed me.
I enjoyed my time in Florida/Georgia a lot. I enjoyed Amy and Brian's wedding and the short stay in Orlando. I hope those of you who witnessed my air guitar solo enjoyed it. I'm pretty positive I hit every note perfectly. I also have to comment on the chicken I had for dinner at the reception. It was delicious. It was cool to see Grandpa Cook out there dancing at 91. What a trooper. I also would like to take time now to apologize to the girl who asked me to dance as I do not remember your name. I'm 72% positive your name was Pam. I know you won't be reading this but I'm sorry anyway. The morning after it was onward to Georgia. I must say it's nice to not wake up to an alarm and when you do wake up you don't have to go anywhere or do anything (except watch Price Is Right and fish). I plan on doing a lot more of that since I bought a lottery ticket tonight and will be retiring very soon. Riiiiiight. I bought a scratch-off ticket tonight too and was one number away from winning $500 dollars but I came away with nothing except 2 less dollars in my pocket. Such is life.
On the road trip home from Georgia, we decided we'd discover our redneck side a bit. Not only did we listen to country music for about 9 or 10 hours but we also stayed at a Super 8 motel in Kentucky, watched almost an entire NASCAR race while mom drank wine out of a plastic hotel cup, and stayed across the hall from what appeared to be a dirty looking trucker man and his trusty bassett hound (straight out of Smokey and the Bandit). Oh good times. We did however have a nice dinner at the Red Lobster across the street from the motel which doesn't quite fit into previously mentioned redneck activities but we had to find a little bit of balance somewhere.
So what can we possibly do to follow up a day like that? If you guessed: Hit up the free breakfast in the motel lobby and head straight for a flea market you are correct my friend. That is exactly what we did. Dad totally called his shot the night before we hit up the flea market. "I'm looking for an air conditioning gauge, it's got 3 different colored tubes coming out of it." So after being there for almost 2 hours, Mom and I find each other and figured we were done so we find Dad who comes strolling up with none other than: The exact item he set out looking for. Probably the only one in the whole flea market and he got it. I myself walked away with 2 golf clubs and then we were back on the road.
We made a stop in Findlay, Ohio to buy chocolate and ice cream from Dietsch's (not sure on the spelling). They do quite a business for being a small little shop. After that we headed on home to Michigan and unloaded all our stuff. That's when it really sets in that you have to go back to work the next day. Oh well, I will be looking forward to next month when I head out to California for a couple days. I'll leave my air guitar at home though, I don't think the west coast is ready for that.
What's a blog without a little sports action? The 78th MLB All-Star game
was played on Tuesday night and once again the American League won. That's like 9 or 10 years in a row now. I mean I always root for the American league but it's getting a little ridiculous now. In basketball news, the Detroit Pistons reached an agreement with Chauncey Billups so it appears he'll be around for another 5 years. Yahoo.
I think that's all for now, if anyone wants to come down and ride rollercoasters this weekend let me know. Have a great weekend!
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Congrats to Kenny Rogers on his outstanding performance tonight. Way to go Tiger's.
Goodnight all.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Light and Dark
So I got up (after the sun was up), dressed, fixed my lunch, checked espn and for sports headlines and headed off to work. Work was pretty much the same. I've only told one person there that I am thinking about going to grad school in the south. He told me that no matter what I do, make sure it's something that I love to do. He said to do that or else it becomes a "job" and you'll end up hating it. As thrilling as managing the largest account we have is, I know it's not what I want to do forever. My calling is elsewhere....exactly where I am not sure....but being 22 years old I think I have a bit of time before I really find that out.
I'm not going to turn out to be a major league baseball player like I had always hoped. That dream got lost somewhere between being too slow, other interests, back pain, and a basic lack of talent. Maybe if I changed my name into a more "baseball-esque" name. Say A.J. "The Jet" Rodriguez, you can't go wrong with a latino last name, all those guys are good, and initials for the first name sounds like you know how to play baseball. "The Jet" is just there to sell my shoes that I have out with Nike. What kind of ball player are you without your own shoe contract?
In other happenings today I had one odd yet funny thing happen in a place none other than the mens bathroom. Before you hear the rest I believe some side info will be useful. In a place such as Sandusky, Ohio motorcycles are a big thing, not just motorcycles but Harley Davidson motorcycles. Many guys at the factory ride their motorcycles to and from work on a regular basis. Well there are two parking lots at the factory, one for office people and one for the guys in the factory, well I always park in the factory parking lot with all the motorcycles. Rarely do you see a motorcycle in the office parking lot. Well the office parking lot is right next to the mens bathroom. There is a small fan that runs in the wall between the bathroom and the office parking lot allowing for air flow and what not.
Ok back to the story.....I walk into the bathroom and notice there is one guy using the middle stall while I wash my hands. So I get done washing my hands and go to one of the urinals and all of a sudden I hear what I think is the guy exploding in the middle stall (One of those...Wow, what did he eat moments). This rumbling was not natural, especially coming from a bathroom stall. So I'm standing there and I kind of turn my head towards the sound....confused yet impressed all at the same time. The sound continued to rumble.....3 seconds, 5 seconds.....(Now, I'm just hoping whoever was in there would be ok.) After about 10 seconds I finally realized that someone in the office parking lot had just fired up their motorcycle and I could hear it coming through the opening in the wall from the fan. I was glad I pieced that together not only for my sake but for whoever was in that middle stall. There was a few seconds today where I thought someone was exploding from the inside how often can you say that?
Not the greatest story I know, but that's what happened and I found it to be a bit comical/confusing/and gross.
I think that's all for now, have a nice Thursday!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
No Hitter For Verlander !!!!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Gasoline Blues
Two pounds of deli turkey: $6
Filling up the escort with gas: $37
Time when $13 worth of gas would fill up my tank and take me anywhere: Long gone
Sunday, May 13, 2007
What Is A Mother?
To love us, whatever we do,
And make life delightful and gay.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Money Maker
You can see the basic "guts" of it in the picture (Not the best picture). Now sit back for a moment and think about how many nuts, bolts, screws, washers, manufactured parts, safety harnesses, hardhats, flashlights, work gloves, abrasive pads, cleaners, degreasers, safety glasses, lifting straps, worklights, shop towels, batteries, denatured alcohol, teflon tape, threadlocker, rotary files, normal files, die grinders, grinding wheels, mandrels, hammers, tubing cutters, backup pads, wire brushes, weld studs, and about a million other things that go into making one of these from the ground up.
Now double it.
And make sure all your hardware is stainless steel. Then you can get a small glimpse of what I do exactly. I make sure everything they need is where it's supposed to be, when it's supposed to be.

The other fun part of the job is telling someone you don't have a certain part. Even if you put 500 washers in the right bin one day doesn't mean that they'll still be there when you show up the next morning and then someone comes to you and wonders why you didn't get any. Ah yes, good times had by all. Anyways, that's a look inside my world of work. Thrilling isn't it?
Saturday, April 14, 2007
This and That and Everything In Between
Baseball is back in full swing and that is wonderful. I can't remember so many games being postponed due to weather though. I guess that's what happens when you have winter conditions is mid April. If anyone needs to know anything about the Cleveland Indians I can probably be of some assistance since I get all of their games. I listen to them at work when they have day games and watch them on tv for night games. Remember the name Grady Sizemore. He's 24, plays centerfield and he's real good. Plus every girl that is a Cleveland fan is in love with him. I'd rather listen to the Tigers but I think I'm one county too far East to get the Tigers. I was spoiled when I was at Toledo. I got both. I was sad to see my Tiger, Mr. Inge get off to a 0-20 start to the season but don't worry Brandon......plenty of games left.
In other news, my immediate family has decided to travel the country. Georgia and California. Don't worry, I'll stay here and look at the gray skies. Someone has to make sure Lake Erie doesn't dry up, right? I do however get to join in the next expedition to the south. It will have been about a 2 year gap since the last time I visited there. I hope the catfish have grown. I have thought about sitting on the dock, fishing pole in hand with the sun shining down with a fresh beer about a million times since I've been there last.
In extended family news and notes there has been a major announcement. Congrats to Amy and Brian on their news of getting married and starting a family. You are in our thoughts and prayers. I'm thinking maybe a boy, left hander......killer curveball. We'll figure that out later.
The Red Sox looked impressive today with a 8-0 win at Fenway. Way to go Sox. Just stay ahead of those Yanks.
In other happenings in my world I have been going to this activity some refer to as a "job". I attend this function daily and take the weekends off. It's not a bad setup. I just wish it would start getting and staying warm. Although I should be careful what I wish for since it feels about 100 degrees at all times in the factory during the summer.
I've also been going to the ymca everyday. That is by far the best part of my day. It gets my morning started right. When I walk out of there at 7:42-7:45 I feel so awake and ready for the day. It's great.
Last weekend I went to Good Friday and Easter services at church. Both were very good. There was one reading in one of the services that stuck with me. Not sure why but I'm sure some readings have done the same with some of you before as well. So I decided I'd post it since I like it.
Matthew 5:10-12
"Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 11"Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you."
How cool is that?
I think that's all I have for now. Hope all is well with everyone. Bye Y'all.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Thursday, March 15, 2007
The First Baseball Game
Hello Fans this is Harey Carey, welcome to todays game between the Bethlehem Braves and the Jerusalem Giants. Kind of a sparse crowd here today as a plague of locusts has made it tough to get out to the ballpark. You can hear the vendors though.....Hey Manna! Get your Manna! Who wants bread from Heaven it's's just fell manna here!.....Penance !Penance!....Our Fathers, Hail Marys, can't get absolution without an act of contrition...who wants a rosary here! Water ! Water ! Wa....Wine ! Who wants wine now!
Peter looks into Jesus for the sign, Jesus gives him the sign..Holy Cow! Peter denies it!.....he gives it to him again he denies it again, once more!...that's three times and Jesus is out to give Peter a sermon on the mound. Jesus of course the big hero in yesterdays game...came up in the bottom of the ninth with the braves down 3-0 and hit a bases empty grand slam!...Fans we haven't had a miracle like that since we had fishes and loaves night. I had a chance to talk with the Savior after the game and this is what he had to say "Well Harey, the ball was on the outside part of the plate....I had enough time to make contact...first of all I want to thank my Father for loading the bases and the Holy Ghost for breaking up the double play."
Back to the action! La-Zair-Us up to the plate....(Harry turns to other announcer) what's that? Sorry Lazuras up to the's the pitch...oh no ! he's hit, he's hurt...he's down..Holy Cow...he's dead! But wait a minute, he gets back up...that's the 6th time this week...that kid can take one for the team.
Abraham up to the plate now...probably up here to sacrafice....infield drawn in for the patriarch and now there's some action in the Bethlehem bullpen. I can't quite make out the back of his robe...It is ! The big #10 Moses! Just called up from the Burning Bush League, already getting a reputation for that lightning fast pick off move...reminding those runners that thou shalt not steal.
Lets give it over to Steve Stone now "Thank you Harry, fans you want to be here this Tuesday night when the Braves meet the Calvary's gonna be Nabisco communion wafer day here at the ballpark, all fans 33 and under get a free eucharist signed by the savior himself. You know fans Nabisco communion wafers go down smooth...won't stick to the roof of your mouth like those cheap imitation sacraments. Sure they cost a little more but when it comes to your eternal salvation isn't it worth that extra buck in the collection plate?...Remember fans the next time you go to the rail for that body and blood ask for the host with the most!...ask for Nabisco."
Thanks Steve, here's some scores now from around the league....a big upset: David 1 Goliath 0...ends a long win streak for the big guy. Oh no! Job is on the 15 day disabled list with a bad case of leprosy...pulled a hamstring...pulled it right off. Angels have sent Lucifer down..that's a shame...when that kid was in his prime he could throw some heat! This year his earned run average has ballooned to a hefty 6.66.
(I heard this a few years ago and put it on a cd.....I found that cd a few days ago and I laugh everytime I hear this so I thought I'd share's some guy on a radio show telling this story and doing his Harey Carey's quite comical)
Thursday, March 08, 2007
What's New ?
I have switched up my daily routine by joining the local YMCA. So instead of getting up at 6:30..showering...then going back to bed....I now awake at 5-5:15....get dressed....make my lunch...and head to the Y. I still eat turkey for lunch everyday. It is delicious.
Today I decided I'm not old but I am definitely on my way. I was listening to the radio this morning and they were interviewing ex-tiger Travis Fryman. He was talking about he coaches kids now and how they don't even know that he was a major leaguer. I did not want to hear this. It was only yesterday when I was sitting at Tiger Stadium enjoying probably the best blue raspberry frozen coke I have ever tasted and watching Travis Fryman play. To hear that he is virtually an unknown name now was quite depressing. Do kids have any recollection of Mickey Tettleton, Rob Deer, or even Cecil Fielder? Milt Cuyler, Scott Livingstone, Chad Curtis, Bill Gullickson, Mike Henneman ? They should know Trammell and Gibson since they were around not too long ago. By the time Seth can appreciate baseball, names like Inge, Polanco, Granderson, and Zumaya probably won't be as well known as they are right now. I guess only time will tell. Too bad Ernie Harwell can't live forever and sign a million year contract to broadcast baseball games. I'm glad I got to hear him growing up.
So yes, at 22 years of age I'm reminiscing. I guess I'm not old, just older than before. I suppose that's the way it works. Anyways, it's my bedtime. Goodnight Everyone and have a pleasant tomorrow.
P.S. Aunt Joyce I think it was you who bought me that ever so delicious frozen coke on a hot summer day, so for that, I am forever grateful.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Snowed In
It is times like these when I picture the dock in Georgia.....If there is one image in my mind that I use to make things seem warmer, that dock would be it. Any picture of Georgia seems better than some of the photos I took this morning.
Anyways, Happy Valentine's Day for all you who have valentine's and be careful on the roads if you have to go out for some reason.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Polar Bear Weekend
Friday, February 09, 2007
Welcome to Ohio Basketball
It was a very small and crowded gym which I like.....I think it adds something. Coming from Airport you may think it's odd to hear me say that since our stands went for as far as the eye could see. Anyways, I soon found out that the Perkins Pirates are a perfect 16-0 on the season. I got to talking with some older guys in the stands and I often times nodded my head and acted like I knew what I was talking about......"Vaus is having a good game huh?" response "Oh yeah, he's a pretty good ball player." I have no idea who any of the players are so I was pretty much in the blue.
There was one kid who stood out though. In fact he was the reason it was worth my 6 dollars to go. I don't know his name but I know he is #5 for the still undefeated Perkins Pirates. He put on a heck of a show in the first half. He had to drain about 5 or 6 three pointers in the first 2 quarters, not to mention one that fell through the net as time expired at halftime. He had 25 points at halftime and it was obvious he was better than everyone else. He only played about 3 minutes in the second half and ended the game with 28 points. The coach took him out to let the other kids on the team have a chance to play. I'm sure he could have easily scored 45 if he wanted to. The funny thing is he wasn't bigger than the rest of them, he was just quick and a very pure shooter. So thank you to whoever you are who made the game worth it. I guess this kid is an even better baseball player than he is a basketball player.....he's a southpaw and he pitches. I might have to go watch him pitch.
I also kept track of free throws during the game just so I had something to do. This led some people to believe I was scouting the Perkins team. They even asked me if that's what I was doing but I told them I was just keeping track of free throws. Perkins finished the game going 14/19 and the line while Huron went 14/22. Huron's coach was slapped with a technical foul in the second half and there was one flagrant foul assessed to a Huron player for taking out a Perkins player late in the game. It wasn't flagrant in my opinion but oh well, I'm not the zebra out there calling the game. So the final score was Perkins 83 Huron 61........and Perkins improved to an impressive 17-0.
It's been quite a few years since I've watched a high school basketball game and it might be a few more after tonight but I have to say I'm glad I got to see this game tonight. So now I think I'm going to watch some tv and fall asleep. Happy Weekend everyone.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Thanks Dad
Nothing really exciting happened there except for one of the normally more reserved employees came to pick up some black rubbermaid stepstools I had brought in for him and he put one on his head and gave his best Darth Vader impression.
In 3 days I will be heading up to East Tawas to once again jump in the ever-so-refreshing Lake Huron. This will be my 6th year of jumping in the frozen waters. It does get easier after you do it for the first time but it always takes your breath away. I always like having some rookies jump in because if you've never done it, you really don't know how cold it's going to until saturday afternoon rolls around, you think about it. The worst part to me isn't being in the's the part where you're standing out on the ice waiting to jump in that is the coldest, especially if you're bare-footed. Once you get out though the air feels so warm. Anyways, I always look forward to this weekend. It provides a large amount of entertainment.
This past weekend I was able to catch a bit of Tiger Woods 7th straight PGA tour victory. Some of the shots he pulls off are amazing. Shots no one else would even try. I saw him pick a ball clean right out of a bunker.....with a 5 wood.....which traveled about 240-250 yards. In honor of Tigers 7th straight, I think I'll show one of my all-time favorite shots from him.
Friday, January 26, 2007
It's the weekend
P.S. I miss Baseball
Friday, January 19, 2007
Friday, Thank You
Anyways, as far as my life goes it's still pretty calm. Nothing that exciting to report. I was hoping I'd have some news for everyone but I don't. Maybe next time.
Well I'm off to work, have a great weekend.
Monday, January 08, 2007
Stuff and Things
Well it's been quite a while since I've posted anything of substance and I'm not sure this will turn out to be that but at least I got to log in. There isn't too much to post about me and the happenings in my life. In the waterpark of life I guess I'd be the lazy river....for the most part it's pretty calm except for maybe a maybe a brief moment where you get a nice cold splash and then everything goes back to normal.
I won't bore you with my routine again but it's the same. My back pain comes and goes as it pleases. I have reason to believe I have more of a sciatic problem these days. The pain runs down my left leg more than it ever has. Somedays I don't feel it, somedays it's a constant pain.
Tonight is the National Championship in college football.....I really don't care who wins. My work environment might be more enjoyable if Ohio State wins but I don't care either way. I'd trade in college football and and the NHL season for another baseball season. Especially if the baseball season was like this past one.
I'm still trying to win the lottery so I can retire at the ripe age of 22 but that plan is still in it's early stages. I doubt that plan will ever reach completion but that's alright. I think there is some life lesson to be learned by getting up and going to work for 35 or 40 years.
I honestly can't think of anything interesting going on with me. I'm here, I'm working, I'm doing just fine. Hopefully I can come up with some better material for next time. Happy Monday/Tuesday everybody!